Sofia's World


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March 2004

Play Time

I don't play with things yet, but I like to look.  I spend time every day on my play mat, where someone invariably shakes a rattle at me. 

I'm also having longer and more frequent, earnest conversations of "ah-goo."


Mom and Papa also insist on "tummy time," but I don't enjoy it very much.  Although I'm getting better and better at lifting my head while I'm on my stomach, it's still hard work.


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Springtime Walks

Seattle has had really nice weather this spring, so Mom and Papa have been taking me for lots of walks in my stroller [right].



However, I sleep more while strolling than I actually enjoy the view.


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Visitors from Holland 

A big event in March was the visit of my Oma and Tante Lianne from the Netherlands. They arrived March 19th and stayed for a week.  We all went shopping together, and we even attended a rijsttafel dinner hosted by the Dutch-American Chamber of Commerce. But mostly they held me a lot, which I really liked [left], and spoke lots of Dutch to me.


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Two-Month Doctor Visit

I visited my pediatrician at the end of March for my two-month check-up, and we found out that in two months I grew A LOT.  When I was born, my length was at the 75th percentile; now it's at the 90th (23 3/4").  And my weight was at the 25th percentile; now it's at the 75th (11 lbs, 9 oz)!  This would explain my ample cheeks and chins [right].  I guess Mom has been feeding me really well.

This doctor visit I also received my first in a long series of inoculations.  I suffered four shots, two in each thigh.  (Good thing I have a lot of fat there.) That was NO FUN, but fortunately I didn't experience any ill effects later.  


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